Martial law meaning
Martial law meaning

For such reasons, the occupying countries in Germany and the U.S., aided by the British Commonwealth, imposed martial law in Japan.Īlthough martial law was imposed by what were essentially occupying nations, it was generally viewed as a positive step both within and outside of the occupied countries. There was widespread starvation, and civilian and social authorities that could provide services to the citizenry collapsed. Also, much of the infrastructure of the countries were destroyed by bombings, and tens of thousands of people were left homeless. The governments in the two countries collapsed as a result of losing the war. Two prime examples of the use of martial law occurred in Germany and Japan following the end of World War II. However, martial law may be viewed positively when it is imposed simply to maintain law and order – as used in the United States during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. When martial law is imposed in a totalitarian nation to quell protests or civil unrest, it is usually viewed negatively by the rest of the world. Martial law may be viewed positively or negatively depending on the circumstances to which it is applied.

martial law meaning

However, in such instances, it is much more common to simply operate under the protocols of a civil emergency rather than declaring martial law. It may also be imposed when there is widespread chaos due to natural disasters, such as a hurricane or tornado. It may be used to handle protests, rebellions, or possible revolution.

martial law meaning

Martial law may be imposed by the leader or government of a country for several reasons. Reasons for the Imposition of Martial Law Martial law was imposed on a limited basis throughout the history of the United States.The imposition of martial law may either be a positive step to restore order or negative action to suppress dissent.Martial law refers to the imposition of military rule in place of the usual civilian authorities.

Martial law meaning